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Rehabilitation after Lumbar Spine Surgery

Date of last update: January, 2025

7. Physical Examination


Overview: A comprehensive physical examination considers the biopsychosocial aspects of a patient’s condition, cultural sensitivity, informed consent, and the patient’s overall comfort. The selection and scope of assessments should be tailored to the individual clinical encounter, with a focus on increasing confidence in primary diagnostic considerations and refining differential diagnoses. This section provides an inventory of assessments rather than a prescriptive algorithm, allowing clinicians to choose appropriate measures based on the unique presentation and needs of each patient.

Post-surgical assessments should appraise the patient’s functional status, lead to an understanding of co-morbid conditions, and help in differentiating other mechanisms of low back pain.


Surveillance and management of post-surgical patients is often a multidisciplinary endeavor. Interdisciplinary communication and reporting are paramount for efficient coordination of care. Requisition of records and reports, with patient consent, will inform clinical decision making and management strategies.

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